1. Give more attention to my daughter and read her 2 books. Well I did improve here I have been giving her more attention, but potty training has been making me a mean mom. My daughter loves to read and she does get at least one a day, but more frequently she has been read to more than that. The TV has been off more too and I feel that has been an improvement in our home. So overall I think this one is coming along well.
2. Cleaning at least one room a day. Well this one has improved a lot. My apartment looks nice more frequently, but it still has its places of struggling. After all I live with 2 very messy people. Ok maybe all of us are messy sometimes. I have been trying to balance the work out throughout the week so I don't tire myself too much.
3. Showering every morning and getting dressed. Well this one is still a struggle cause I get distracted so easily and I feel like I have to wait for the best time to get in. for example when Jaylee is watching her show so I know she isn't getting into trouble and it also has to be right after she uses the bathroom. I don't want any accidents while I shower. But overall I still feel better about how I am doing. Even if my showers sometimes have to wait.
4. Scripture Study. Yeah this one I am not doing as well on. Dev and my study schedule has been ruined by Devon sleeping in, and then we forget to study all together. I can honestly say we haven't given it up though cause we read today :). Take it one day at a time and the habit will start again.
5. Exercise every day. I feel I am doing ok on this one. I try to do the exercises I learned in a class every day, but sometimes I just forget, but if you consider how much cleaning and taking care of Jaylee that I do, Yeah I am on the right track :).
6. Getting over my phone phobia. Yeah I still feel I struggle with this one, but I have made a ton of calls this months on things that needed to be done. Its amazing how much better you feel when you are more on top of things. I will keep working on this one.
7. Taking naps and eating. Well considering that I have to eat to keep my tummy happy I really haven't struggled with this one, but there have been some days where I just don't have time for a nap, and the next day I wish I had. Today I took one, and loved it. Especially since Jaylee was sleeping too :).
Anyway as an overall conclusion to my goals and results I have to say that I have done well. I feel that my main goal was to feel more accomplished and important. It can be hard when you are stuck inside all day doing nothing while your husband is working his butt off. It makes me feel like a horrible wife to not be taking up that slack to make things easier for him. Devon has been such a trooper and I am so grateful for him and his encouragement whenever I have a bad day or haven't accomplished all that I wanted to that day. Overall I have to say I am the luckiest girl ever. And I am so grateful for opportunities to improve myself.