Friday, April 1, 2011

What a day

Last night was probably the worst night ever. I kept waking up to pains in the abdomen area and sleep was very hard to come by. It was probably the first night of many nights now that I will have that problem as I am getting further along with my pregnancy. I always heard that when you are pregnant with your second child that you will get so much bigger, and will have more pains because you have been stretched out before. I am now totally believing that. Only 18 weeks along and I already feel big. I know that I will only get bigger. So as I had a horrible night last night I have decided that today is going to be dedicated to taking care of myself. I pulled out my maternity clothes to see if they would fit more comfortably then my regular clothes and sure enough they do. I decided to paint my nails considering soon I won't be able to alone. Later I would like to take my daughter on a walk and I am planning on taking a nice long nap. If I have energy I will worry about my messy apartment and laundry that needs to be done. Its not going anywhere, right? Wish me luck :).