It seems like when you start to get comfortable in life that the Lord brings another trial to keep you on your feet. This is what has been going on in our home :). I will start with Jaylee. She is now 3 and more than ever is taking me by surprise. She is so smart and can be such a pain with how much personality she has. We argue all the time and she isn't even a teen yet, but to be on the positive side I am very proud of her. She is very smart and loves to read. We are hoping to put her in a dance class in the fall so that she can get some of that energy out plus we think she would really enjoy it. She also loves to play games and loves her family. She is such a great example to me. The other day she came up to my tummy and gave her baby sister a hug and said " I love you Berdie." So cute. She loves helping me in the Kitchen and she is an amazing cleaner. She makes my chores a lot easier, for the most part ;). As for potty training she is doing good most days. The other days I don't like to talk about ha ha just kidding even then she does fairly well. She also is an amazing artist. Ask her to color a picture and she will, and she will use all the colors you give her. She wants a Dog, but we can't have one yet so she just has to visit family that do to get her animal fix :).
Devon is doing well too. Work has been a little slow so he has been getting 1 day a week off of work, which is making our budget tighter, but honestly it has been nice to have him home. He is just as crazy with the board games he likes to buy and since we just had our birthdays he has gotten quite a few new ones. We have started to play Lego Harry Potter together, and it has been quite fun and I don't even care for video games :). Devon has also been enjoying his time off from school. Last Semester was hard, and I am pretty sure the rest of the classes he will be taking for this major will not be easy, but I know he can do it. Devon has also been working on a video for our ward for the 150th year anniversary from when it started. We already showed it to the fireside they had, but now he is getting it ready for DVD release. It has been way great for him to review his editing skills. The only other thing going on for him is that his knee has been hurting him. We went to the Dr today to find out why, and we have yet to find out. All in good time :).
As for me I have been going through the Stay at home/ pregnant life. My interaction for the most part is Jaylee and Devon when he is home, so I am getting quite rusty with communication. Sorry if I say any strange things during conversation I am doing my best :). Devon and I just got called to be Primary teachers and I can tell that this will be a challenge, but it seems so far that I will enjoy having a calling with Devon. The kids are fun and I learn so much more when I have to teach. I recently found out that my sugar levels are too high so I have Gestational Diabetes which is not a good thing, but can be controlled, so that is something I get to look forward to when I talk to a dietitian. I am actually excited cause I am hoping that it will make me feel better. Not excited if I have to prick my finger though, but you do what you have to. The baby seems to be doing ok though. She is quite active. For some reason she loves to move when I am driving lol. Last week we started a garden and I am very sad to say that, I am thinking a bunny has eaten all my plants so all that hard work I put in has been ruined. The Zucchini will probably survive, but not sure about anything else. Its the thought that counts, right? I also planted corn so hopefully that will grow too.
Well that's about it one day I will be better with pictures. One step at a time.